Get Active Data Dictionary

4 min readOct 24, 2024


If you want to generate a report for a table that lists all fields being used (i.e., containing data in at least one record), you need a query or logic that scans through each field in the table and checks for non-null or non-empty values. Fields that do not contain data in any record should be excluded from the report.

This approach has been tested successfully on other tables like incident, sn_hr_core_case, cmdb_ci, and problem, where similar logic was applied, and it worked as expected.


It exports all the fields utilized, even if they appear in only a single record, while adding a few basic fields as columns. Additionally, it pulls reports from the selected table.

Here’s a demo outlining how to export active fields (i.e., fields with data) for the Incident table:

Steps to configure:

  1. Create a Kb article, where we will store the downloaded attachments, copy the sys id and keep it handy.

2. Create a client callable script include

Name: dictionarytableFields


var dictionarytableFields = Class.create();
dictionarytableFields.prototype = Object.extendsObject(AbstractAjaxProcessor, {
getFieldsValue: function() {
var nonEmptyFields = [];
var fieldCounts = {};
var tableNames = this.getParameter('sysparm_selected_rec');
var dictionaryInfo = {};

// Initialize field counts
var gr = new GlideRecord(tableNames);
if ( {
var fields = gr.getFields();
for (var i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
var fieldName = fields.get(i).getName();
fieldCounts[fieldName] = 0;

// Iterate through each record and count non-empty fields
gr = new GlideRecord(tableNames);
while ( {
var fields = gr.getFields();
for (var i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
var fieldName = fields.get(i).getName();
var value = gr.getValue(fieldName);
if (value !== '' && value !== null) {

// Identify fields that are non-empty for any records
for (var field in fieldCounts) {
if (fieldCounts[field] > 0) {
var hierarchyList = new TableUtils(tableNames).getTables();
var arr = hierarchyList.toArray();
var resultString = arr.join(', ');
// Fetch additional dictionary information
var dictGr = new GlideRecord('sys_dictionary');
// Query for dictionary entries related to specific tables
while ( {
var fieldName = dictGr.getDisplayValue('element');
dictionaryInfo[fieldName] = {
type: dictGr.getDisplayValue('internal_type') || 'undefined',
readOnly: dictGr.getDisplayValue('read_only') == 'true' ? 'Yes' : 'No',
mandatory: dictGr.getDisplayValue('mandatory') == 'true' ? 'Yes' : 'No',
fieldTableName: dictGr.getDisplayValue('name') || 'undefined',
referenceTableName: dictGr.getDisplayValue('reference') || '',
maxLength: dictGr.getValue('max_length') || '',
columnLabel: dictGr.getDisplayValue('column_label') || 'empty'

var csvRows = [];

// Add header row
csvRows.push('Table Name,Field Name,Field Label,Type,Reference,Max Length,Read Only,Mandatory\r\n');

// Add fields and their dictionary info as rows
for (var i = 0; i < nonEmptyFields.length; i++) {
var fieldName = nonEmptyFields[i];
var dictInfo = dictionaryInfo[fieldName] || {
type: 'undefined',
readOnly: 'undefined',
mandatory: 'undefined',
fieldTableName: 'undefined',
csvRows.push(dictInfo.fieldTableName + ',' + fieldName + ','+ dictInfo.columnLabel + ',' + dictInfo.type + ',' + dictInfo.referenceTableName + ',' + dictInfo.maxLength + ',' + dictInfo.readOnly + ',' + dictInfo.mandatory + '\r\n');

var gdt = new GlideDateTime();
var fileName = tableNames + ' Non Empty Fields ' + gdt.getDisplayValue() + '.csv';

// Write the CSV to an attachment
var attachment = new Attachment();
var attachmentRec = attachment.write('kb_knowledge', 'sys id to your newly created kb article', fileName, 'text/csv', csvRows.join(''));

var att = new GlideRecord('sys_attachment');
att.addQuery('file_name', fileName);
att.addQuery('table_sys_id', 'sys id to your newly created kb article');//update the sys id to your newly created kb article
if ( {
return att.sys_id.toString(); // Return the sys_id of the attachment
return '';

type: 'dictionarytableFields'

Note: Replace the copied sys id from step to line 86 and 90 in script include code.

3. Create a Client Callable ui action shown as below.


function onclickofButton() {
var gm = new GlideModal("glide_prompt", true, 600);
gm.setTitle("Get active data from below selected table");
gm.setPreference("title", "Enter Table Name");
gm.setPreference("onPromptComplete", function(tablevalue) {
var ga = new GlideAjax('global.dictionarytableFields');
ga.addParam('sysparm_name', 'getFieldsValue');
ga.addParam('sysparm_selected_rec', tablevalue);

function callback(response) {
try {
var attachmentSysId = response;
if (attachmentSysId) {
var downloadURL = "/" + attachmentSysId;
} else {
alert("No attachment generated.");
} catch (error) {
alert("An error occurred while processing the download. Please check the console for more details.");
gm.setPreference("onPromptCancel", function() {
return false;

Note: For other scoped application like, human resource you might need to create cross scope record in order to access data from different application.

Happy Learning,




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